2025-2026 Application Process

We normally have a four-part application process, but 2025-2026 enrollment is nearly completed, so we are no longer scheduling meetings and shadow days. Parents interested in 2025-2026 enrollment can fill out an application, and we’ll contact you if openings become available.

The first two steps don’t need to be completed in order.

  1. The parent(s) schedule an introductory meeting, which can be convened in person (preferred), on Zoom, or over the phone. The child will not participate in this meeting, but if the meeting is in person, they can accompany the parents, get a tour, and then do an independent activity (reading, drawing, Lego, etc) while the adults meet.

  2. The parent(s) apply.

  3. The parent(s) schedule a tour/meeting, and the child accompanies. The child is expected to participate in the meeting.

  4. The child shadows for a day at Activate. A brief literacy and math assessment will be administered during their visit.


Submit an application.

Schedule a meeting

What We Look for in Applicants

We value racial diversity, gender diversity, ability diversity, and religious diversity. We fully support LGBTQ students and LGBTQ households. We aspire to have a diverse student body.

Additionally, we prioritize

  • Applicants who are excited about Activate.

  • Applicants who connect well socially during their shadow day.

  • Applicants who have similar academic skills to current or incoming students.

  • Applicants who are independent and self-directed.

  • Applicants who are curious and creative.

  • Applicants who are respectful and responsible.

  • Applicants who have diverse interests and hobbies.

  • Applicants with a sibling who are currently or formerly enrolled at Activate.

We can accommodate some high-energy students, anxious students, students with sensory needs, students with ASD, students with ADHD, gifted students, and combinations of all those things.

We cannot accommodate kids who are aggressive, destructive, or defiant because we lack the staffing, training, and resources.